Carolyn Holt

Praised for her “rich and seductive mezzo-soprano” Carolyn Holt has performed with companies such as The Royal Opera House, Irish National Opera, Scottish Opera, Welsh National Opera, and English National Opera, and was awarded the Dermot Troy Prize at the Veronica Dunne International Singing Competition.

Previous engagements include Bianca The Rape of Lucretia, and the covers of Mrs Sedley Peter Grimes and Margret Wozzeck (Royal Opera House); Annina Der Rosenkavalier, and the Voice of Antonia’s Mother Les contes d'Hoffmann (Irish National Opera); Mrs Grose The Turn of the Screw, Madame Larina Eugene Onegin (Garsington Opera); Kate Pinkerton Madam Butterfly (City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra); Cornelia Giulio Cesare (Blackwater Valley Opera Festival); Minskwoman Flight (Opera Collective Ireland); Gertrude Hansel und Gretel (Lyric Opera Ireland/National Concert Hall); Charlotte Werther (Lyric Opera Ireland/National Concert Hall); Minskwoman Flight (Opera Collective Ireland); Mary Der fliegende Holländer; Orlofsky Die Fledermaus; Donna Elvira Don Giovanni; Sister Helen Prejean Dead Man Walking, Dido Dido & Aeneas and Mrs Jones Street Scene (RCS).

On the concert platform, highlights include The Angel Dream of Gerontius (National Concert Hall, Dublin); Handel’s Messiah (Ulster Orchestra/Waterfront Hall); Dvorak Mass in D (Wexford Festival Orchestra); Mahler’s Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen and Bach’s cantata Ich habe genug (Esker Festival Orchestra); Elgar’s Sea Pictures, Mendelssohn’s Elijah; Mozart’s Requiem, Mahler’s 2nd Symphony; Des Knaben Wunderhorn and Kindertotenlieder.

Future engagements see her make debuts at the Royal Opera House, Theater Bonn, Wexford Festival Opera, and New Opera Singapore.

Stand 2024