
From February 17 until August 17 2024, the complete recording of the production DER SINGENDE TEUFEL by Franz Schreker can be streamed on OperaVision.

The Research Project

Ausgezeichnet mit dem Oper! Award 2023

An exploratory journey towards the causes of disappearing and remaining

Since 2013/14, Theater Bonn’s opera has placed a central focus on the exploration of musical theatre works from the first third of the 20th century that, for various reasons, never found their way into the canon or lost their place in it over the course of time (such as Walter Braunfels: DER TRAUM EIN LEBEN; Emil Nikolaus von Reznicek: HOLOFERNES; Hermann Wolfgang von Waltershausen: OBERST CHABERT; Othmar Schoeck: PENTHESILEA).

Until at least the summer of 2023, but intended to continue beyond this period, we will pursue the issue of the mechanisms of forgetting or preserving with special intensity and from a broader perspective in the context of a special series of event.

As part of a performative and academic research project entitled FOKUS ‘33 – Forschungsreise zu den Ursachen von Verschwinden und Verbleiben (FOKUS ’33 – An exploratory journey towards the causes of disappearing and remaining), Oper Bonn will put forward a significantly increased number of productions of works that disappeared from theatre programming after 1933 or from 1945, or that were created during this period and were only premiered afterwards – for reasons that are in turn connected to factors that are to be investigated with the means of musical theatre and its complementing academic subjects. Productions of works by Alberto Franchetti, Clemens von Franckenstein, Rolf Liebermann, Giacomo Meyerbeer, Arnold Schönberg, Franz Schreker, Richard Strauss and Kurt Weill will be created and the causes of disappearing and remaining will be investigated in exhibitions and lectures.

Am 27. Februar 2023 wurde das Forschungsprojekt FOKUS '33 mit dem OPER! AWARD in der Kategorie "Beste Wiederentdeckug" ausgezeichnet.

Programmhefte zu ausgewählten Produktionen der Reihe FOKUS ´33 sind an der Theaterkasse zu erwerben.

Sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in cooperation with the NRW KULTURsekretariat.

Ausgezeichnet mit dem Oper! Award 2023


Arabella | Leonore 40/45 | Ein Feldlager in Schlesien | Li-Tai-Pe | Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny | Asrael | Der Singende Teufel | Moses und Aron | COLUMBUS



Seit 17. FEB 2024 im Stream

Supporting programs

Introductory matinee

In conversation with Opera dramaturge Polina Sandler, director Jakob Peters-Messer talks about his approach to the interpretation of this while the musical director of the production, Hermes Helfricht, together with some members of the ensemble members give a few insights into the musical world of the COLUMBUS opera. 

Accompanying exhibition to the opera COLUMBUS


The accompanying exhibition in cooperation with the Theaterwissenschaftliche Sammlung of the University of Cologne tells the performance history of the COLUMBUS opera in pictures: stage and costume designs, photographs, newspaper articles. The exhibition runs until July 4, 2024.

Post-Show Discussion

after the performances on the foyer stage | no admission

Opera meets the city

Culture of remembrance in Bonn

Guest: Astrid Mehmel, Director of the Bonn Memorial

In 2019, the staff of the Werner Egk elementary school in Augsburg submitted an application to the city council to renaming the school, which was rejected after a long discussion was rejected. The issue is being taken up taken up again today. How the culture of remembrance is cultivated in the city and what mechanisms and mechanisms and processes for this are discussed with the director of the memorial and the NS Documentation Center in Bonn.


Encounter of the Old and New Worlds

This discussion concert by the vocal ensemble ClarOscuro is a historical-musical journey through 200 years of conquest history: Selected works of Latin American baroque music will be performed, interpreted and commented on.



Fantasies of colonization in the NS state

Guest: Professor of History and African Studies at Hamburg University, Prof Dr Jürgen Zimmerer

In order to build a bridge from the opera's plot to German colonial history and to explain the reasons for the positive reception of the work in the NS state the Nazi state, we are investigating with the scholar scholar Jürgen Zimmerer (ed. Erinnerungskämpfe. Neues deutsches Geschichtsbewusstsein, 2023) the continuities between the ideologies of racism and anti-Semitism.


Shifts in the German culture of remembrance: WERNER EGK's reception after 1945

Guest: Musicologist Prof. Dr. Michael Custodis, University of Münster

In the 1940s, Werner Egk was one of the most prominent figures on the German music scene, in the 1960s he was publicly denounced as “one of the most evil figures of National Socialist music policy”, in the 1970s he lived as a local celebrity in Bavaria. In conversation with the editor of the extensive research work Die Reichsmusikkammer. Kunst im Bann der Nazi-Diktatur and Netzwerke der Entnazifizierung, we use the example of Werner Egk to explore the causes of his disappearance and whereabouts.

Supplementary material


Making Of
