From 5. April 2025


The album as an opera

Opera based on the album of the same name by Björk

Arrangements by Roman Vinuesa (Himmelfahrt Scores)

new production of Theater Bonn

–In English with surtitles in German–

Conductor: Hermes Helfricht | Directors: Kommando Himmelfahrt [Thomas Fiedler, Jan Dvořák, Julia Warnemünde]

16+ approx. 1 hour 30 minutes no intermission
Premiere 05.04.
Dates & Tickets

“Vespertine” is a term used in biology to describe something ‘evening’, such as a flower that only blooms in the evening or an animal that becomes active at sunset. With her revolutionary VESPERTINE, BJÖRK created the most mysterious, erotic, introverted album of her career in 2001. In this sense, it is the opposite of an opera. But the variety of soundscapes created electronically and acoustically, the sensuality and immediacy of the voice that speaks to us, whispers, implores us, comforts us, confesses - open up a supernatural, epic dimension. This is how the story that makes this album transferable to the stage came about: a biology researcher and her doppelganger are the protagonists of this version of VERSPERTINE. Their laboratory in a snowy Nordic landscape is the shell of experience, memory, longing and listening. Here they deal with the question of the origin of life and become mothers themselves. A magical, mesmerizing spectacle about the human and celestial universe, the earth and nature is created on stage, while Björks music, arranged for an opera orchestra and voices, resounds from the stage in its fullness. The participation of the renowned Kölner Ensemble Musikfabrik makes this pop opera a special musical experience.

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Eine Wissenschaftlerin  Nicole Wacker
Ihre Doppelgängerin  Ava Gesell
Ein Junge  Karl Kristiansen (Termine)
Maxim Patapenka (Termine)
Noah Werfel (Termine)
Ein Mann  Carl Rumstadt
Orchester  Ensemble Musikfabrik
Musikalische Leitung  Hermes Helfricht
Kostüme und Puppen  Kathi Maurer
Video  Carl-John Hoffmann
Dramaturgie  Julia Warnemünde
Choreinstudierung  André Kellinghaus
Einstudierung Junge  Ekaterina Klewitz
Regieassistenz und Abendspielleitung  Anna Pies
Musikalische Assistenz Chor  Ana Craciun
Studienleitung  Igor Horvat
Korrepetition  Alexander Haim Soloway
Jessica Rucinski
Bühnenbildassistenz  Elena Paffen
Kostümassistenz  Tanja Mürlebach
Übertitel  Paul Zoder
Inspizienz  Andreas Stubenrauch
Barbara Schröder
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