From 20. October 2024


The Broadway-Musical

new  production of Theater Bonn

Book by Mark O‘Donnell & Thomas Meehan | Music by Marc Shaiman | Lyrics by Scott Wittman & Marc Shaiman

German version by Jörn Ingwersen (Dialogue) & Heiko Wohlgemuth (Songs).
Based on the New Line Cinema Film of the same name, Screenplay & Director John Waters

–In German with surtitles in German and English–

Conductor: Jürgen Grimm | Director: Erik Petersen

12 approx. 2 hours 30 minutes including 1 intermission
Dates & Tickets

»A person's shell does not determine their value.«

Baltimore, the early 1960s: Tracy, a schoolgirl, has long dreamt of dancing on the big stage of the local TV talent show – but does she have the nerve?  Her looks aren’t particularly photogenic, she isn’t at all skinny – she doesn’t in the least meet the TV show’s ideal of beauty. But it is her open, sincere, and natural manner that impresses the jury. Tracy sticks up for her fellow companions especially when they are treated badly. Together with her best friend Penny she takes up the cause of social justice: She wants that there be more black dancers in the show. After personal ups and downs, street demonstrations and other turbulence there is a happy ending: she gets the prince and the crown while her extravagant hairstyle in TV starts a new trend. The pigheaded bad guys are beaten, and the show is lastly integrated – notably only one small step on the way to more social justice.

Based on the cult film classic by John Waters from the year 1988 (also known in the 2007 adaption in which John Travolta plays Tracy’s mother), the musical in the 2000s won the hearts of audiences throughout the world. Now HAIRSPRAXY is coming to Bonn. In his staging Erik Petersen (THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, WEST SIDE STORY) lets the story take place in a realistically portrayed shopping center from the 60s. To the rhythm and blues numbers, musical stars Enrico de Pieri, Mathias Schlung and many others relate the story of their successful struggle for social justice and of their belief in the free formation of personality.

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Tracy Turnblad  Antonia Tröstl
Edna Turnblad  Enrico De Pieri
Wilbur Turnblad  Mark Weigel
Motormouth Maybelle  Yannick-Muriel Noah (Termine)
Amani Robinson (Termine)
Seaweed J. Stubbs, ihr Sohn  Maickel Leijenhorst
Inez, ihre Tochter  Tara Friese
Corny Collins/Mister Pinky/Wärter/Nachrichtensprecher  Mathias Schlung
Link Larkin  Fin Holzwart
Velma van Tussle, Produzentin  Kerstin Ibald
Amber van Tussle, ihre Tochter  Kara Kemeny
Penny Pingleton, Tracys Freundin  Friederike Zeidler (Termine)
Mirjam Wershofen (Termine)
Prudy Pingleton/Gefängniswärterin/Sportlehrerin  Susanne Blattert
Mr. Spritzer  Volker Hoeschel
Cindy Watkins, Dynamite  Amani Robinson (Termine)
Clarissa Anyamele (Termine)
Peaches, Dynamite  Lara de Toscano
Pearl, Dynamite  Coreena Brown (Termine)
Clarissa Anyamele (Termine)
Duane  Amadin Piatello (Termine)
Gilbert  Leo-Alexander Hewitt (Termine)
Sacha Setubun (Termine)
Stooie  Juan David Mendez
Lou Ann  Liviana Degen (Termine)
Anna Reeves (Termine)
IQ  Iman Khaleghi
Jugendchor  Jugendchor des Theater Bonn
Statisterie  Statisterie des Theater Bonn
Musikalische Leitung  Jürgen Grimm
Joe Schmitz
Bühne und Kostüme  Dirk Hofacker
Choreografie  Sabine Arthold
Einstudierung Kinder- und Jugendchor  Ekaterina Klewitz
Regieassistenz und Abendspielleitung  Bernard Niemeyer
Dance Captain  Liviana Degen
Musikalische Assistenz  Joe Schmitz
Studienleitung  Igor Horvat
Korrepetition  Alexander Haim Soloway
Bühnenbildassistenz  Mara Schönborn
Kostümassistenz  Nury Stefanie Willig
Tanja Mürlebach
Kostümhospitanz  Mia Heister
Inspizienz  Kerstin Mertl
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