Für Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen

Our Services
For selected drama and opera productions, we will assemble folders containing information on the work and the production as well as practical exercises. These folders are available for download on our website.
Open Rehearsal
At regular intervals, we open the rehearsals of theatre and opera productions for educators to give them an impression of the productions and help them decide which shows are of interest to their schools classes.
For selected plays, we offer educators an intensive exchange in the form of introductory talks and workshops. In combination with a rehearsal visit, this programme will provide ideas on how to integrate the visit to the performance into school lessons.
Theaterlabor (Theatre Lab)
This is a further training programme for educators, organised in cooperation with Theater Marabu. The Theatre Lab will give participants new impulses, both for their own theatre work at school and for theatre visits with children and young people. This series is a component of North Rhine-Westphalia’s Further Training Programme for Teachers and can also be booked individually as an singular event.
Cultural Education in the Classroom
We invite all educators to join our PORTAL trainings. We will compile an entertaining, two-hour programme of orchestra, opera and drama. Our workshop sessions intend to inspire you to use a variety of methods and ideas from the fields of music and theatre education to bring a little bit of culture into your classroom – no matter which subject you teach.
Recommendations for »Arrive and Catch Up«
Welcome to “Arrive and Catch Up”!
This is a quick and clear overview of recommendations from our varied programme for all school years. We offer options for work both before and after a visit to all productions or concerts. You are also very welcome to visit us with complete school years and we will find individual solutions for the best options for your visit. And please feel free to browse the other productions and to choose from among them for your classes.
Information on ticket prices is available here.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us on portal@bonn.de
Years 1 & 2: MEIN JIMMY (Drama, from 30.10.)
Years 3 & 4: IWEIN LÖWENRITTER (Opera, from 27.1.)
Years 5 & 6: ALICE IM WUNDERLAND (Drama, from 5.12.)
Years 7 & 8: MÄDCHEN WIE DIE (Drama, from 2.12.)
Years 8 & 9: LI-TAI-PE (Opera, from 22.5.)
From Year 10: IM SPIEGEL 1 (Orchestra, 21.11.), IM SPIEGEL 2 (Orchestra, 6.01), UM ELF 2 (Orchestra, 20.02.) -
Auf die Ohren, fertig, los!
AUF DIE OHREN, FERTIG, LOS! – unter diesem Titel feiern wir vom 24.-27. März 2022 mit einem Festival und einer Konferenz die Kooperation Junge Opern Rhein-Ruhr. Dieses deutschlandweit einzigartige Projekt hat zum Ziel, Kinder und Jugendliche für spannendes und zeitgenössisches Musiktheater zu begeistern und will Ohren öffnen. Einmal im Jahr vergeben die drei Institute – Theater Bonn, Theater Dortmund und die Deutsche Oper am Rhein Düsseldorf Duisburg – gemeinsam einen Kompositionsauftrag, um das Repertoire der Kinderopern auf Grundlage von zeitgemäßer Literatur für Kinder stetig zu erweitern. Unsere Kooperation, die in Jahren ohne Corona mit den Familienopern, den mobilen Produktionen und die begleitenden pädagogischen Workshops an die 20.000 Kinder pro Jahr erreicht, besteht inzwischen seit sieben Jahren. Zeit also, über unsere Erfahrungen zu berichten und zum Austausch und zur Diskussion zu laden. Falls Sie gerne teilnehmen möchten, senden Sie uns das ausgefüllte Anmeldeformular unter info@junge-opern-rhein-ruhr.de zu.
Theater Dortmund: Do., 24.03. und Fr., 25.03.
Zum Anmeldeformular
Theater Bonn: Sa., 26.03.
Oper am Rhein Düsseldorf und Duisburg: So., 27.03.2022