Opera FOKUS ’33

Fokus ’33 – The Exhibition

With exhibits from the Theatre Studies Collection of the University of Cologne and curated by  Dr. Gerald Köhler and Thomas Kuchlbauer, FOKUS '33 THE EXHIBITION searches for traces of the past of those operas that are or were performed within the research project FOKUS '33.


FOKUS ’33 – The Exhibition

The exhibition is on display wihtin three parts until the end of the season in the checkroom foyer of the opera house: From December 2022 to February 2023, it was devoted to the operas ARABELLA, LEONORE 40/45 and EIN FELDLAGER IN SCHLESIEN. From February to April 2023, exhibits on the operas LI-TAI-PE, AUFSTIEG UND FALL DER STADT MAHAGONNY and ASRAEL are on display, and in the 3rd part, from April to June 2023, the exhibition deepens the opera experience on LI-TAI-PE, DER SINGENDE TEUFEL and MOSES UND ARON.


The exhibition is open during performance times and free of charge for ticket holders.
For an individual tour please write us an email.

currently on display:

Act II King's Throne Room in LI-TAI-PE | Munich State Theater 1925 | Leo Pasetti

Part II

February to April 2023: LI-TAI-PE | Rise and Fall of the city MAHAGONNY | ASRAEL

FOKUS ’33 – DIE AUSSTELLUNG geht in die zweite Runde

Von Mitte Februar bis April 2023 sind Exponate zu den Opern LI-TAI-PE, AUFSTIEG UND FALL DER STADT MAHAGONNY und ASRAEL im Garderobenfoyer des Opernhauses zu sehen!


LI-TAI-PE at Bonn Opera



Clemens v. Franckenstein (1875 – 1942)

Rise and Fall of the city Mahagonny

Kurt Weil (1900 – 1950)



ASRAEL at Bonn Opera


Alberto Franchetti (1860 – 1942)


most recently...

Stage design by TEO OTTO for the world premiere of LEONORE 40/45 by ROLF LIEBERMANN in Basel in 1952.

Part I

Dezember 2022 to February 2023: ARABELLA | LEONORE 40/45 | EIN FELDLAGER IN SCHLESIEN

With exhibits on ARABELLA, LEONORE 40/45 and EIN FELDLAGER IN SCHLESIEN, the exhibition begins the first of three phases, each lasting approximately two and a half months, and embarks on a search for traces of the past of the works that will be or have been performed as part of the research project.



Richard Strauss (1864 – 1949)


Rolf Liebermann (1910 – 1999)


Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791 –1864)



The Beginning

The Opening

The VENISSAGE took place on December 8, 2022 in the Gadaroben foyer of the opera house with a welcome by General Director Dr. Bernhard Helmich and Dr. Gerald Köhler from Theatre Studies of Cologne University.

Dr Bernhard Helmich opens the exhibition
Opening speech by Dr Gerald Köhler, University of Cologne
Vernissage (f.l.t.r.): Barbara Dallheimer, Thomas Kuchlbauer, Dr Bernhard Helmich, Ansgar Baradoy, Dr Gerald Köhler, Andreas K.W. Meyer